Magento 2 Contact us Module with Backend Grid
Aims Infosoft Has Published Mesmerizing Magento 2 Module “Aims Infosoft Contact Us”.
This Module Will Help You To Save Data In Database And Show-Up The Same In Back-End Grid.
Key Features:
- Get Contact Inquiry From Frontend And Show It To Admin In Grid.
- Easy To Manage Records From Backend.
- Easy To Remove Unwanted Records From Backend.
- Easy To Filter Records.

Recently, Aims Infosoft Has Published Mesmerizing Magento-2 Module Named “Magento 2 Contact Us Module With Backend Grid”.
In current growing era, every businesses become online and it is well said that its the golden time of e-commerce businesses. Sometimes, The customer having doubts on their purchase or they wishes to have words with business owners.
To make this possible, Our contact us modules helps both customers and business owners to stay connected to each other and thus they can have discussion on desired topic.
The module provide opportunities to frontend users to make contact enquiry to website owners and store admin would have the records of all the enquiries.
Store owner also would have extra options to manage the records from admin like, they can create new enquiry themselves, they can also update and delete the records as per requirements.
This Module Will Help You To Save Data In Database And Show-Up The Same In Back-End Grid.
How it works :
Step 1 :
Download Contact US Extension Setup From Our Official Website (
Step 2 :
To Install The Extension Follow Below Steps.
- Upload And Extract Extension Setup To Root Directory It Should Be Like – (App/Code/Aimsinfosoft/Contactus).
- Run Below Commands
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f
php bin/magento cache:flush
Step 3 :
Go to Admin Panel >> Customers >> Manage Contactus.
Screenshot from frontend :
Write Your Own Review
11 April, 2024
Compatible with Magento 2.3.x
02 April, 2024
Compatible with Magento 2.4.x
11 Feb, 2025
Bug fix with filter search
Please click here.
Enable Recurring Purchases with Subscription Module
Repeat purchases, autoship, and recurring payments will all be available in your store with just one installation - Advanced Subscription Products by Aheadworks. Offer different prices for different customer groups, bulk purchases, or discounts based on catalog price rules. Motivate customers to subscribe by offering free shipping for subscriptions.
Reasons to choose Aims Infosoft
Client focusing and satisfaction
These are our primary. A major portion of our new clients come from referrals from our existing clients. Our professional team of developers, marketers and support staff have invested the best knowledge and experience in the field into our work, so you know you can come back to us again and again.
Remarkable support
One year free and high quality support.We go to great lengths to provide maximum satisfaction with every module you have purchased in our store. By helping you with installation, configuration, answering your every question, we do all our best to eliminate any possible problems.
Risk-free Investment
30-days money back guarantee.If you are not satisfied with our extension performance for any reason, we provide a full refund.
Constant improvements and upgrades
We constantly add new features to all our modules, and are always interested in hearing your opinion and implementing your suggested features in our future developments.
Comprehensive Documentation
We provide an expanded user guide for every aspect of our extension, so you can find answers for all your burning questions.
Unencrypted source code of our products
You can customize extension according to your needs and requirements.
Usability and Performance
The Module is easy to install and upgrade, just follow our step-by-step user guide. Additionally, the extension is ready to use with the Hyvä theme.
Ready for Magento Cloud
No core modifications. The extension has been tested in a Magento Cloud environment and is fully compatible with it.
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Magento Extension Builder
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